Test Automation Architect
In this role, you will be working closely with test automation engineers from cross-functional teams to extend and operate the core in-house test automation framework.
Náplň práce
The future-proof architecture and extension of the framework will be a large part of your responsibilities. If you are passionate about enabling rapid test execution across all platforms and have strong experience in this area, we want to hear from you!- Define a future-proof architecture for the in-house test automation framework in terms of maintainability, extensibility and performance - including the potential for AI support.
- Work closely with test automation engineers from the product teams to discuss required enhancements and find solutions according to their needs.
- Promote centralised enhancements and fixes rather than standalone solutions for a customer
- Generate and present innovative approaches and solutions to recurring issues
- Provide support and training to bring new members/projects into the centralised test automation framework.
- Maintain and operate centralised test framework components
- Actively participate in or lead discussions/POCs on the framework, test harness and other centralised parts.
- Support product teams in setting up and using the framework and its features
- Operate the centralised test automation framework and its components (development, GitHub, builds, deployment, monitoring, etc)
- Develop and maintain team internal tools
- Support and develop a self-service approach for the framework
Predpoklady a zručnosti
MUST HAVE: At least 5 years' experience of setting up and building test automation frameworks. Ideally with large industrial frameworks.BIG PLUS: .NET or Java experience (no heavy programming skills required) OR hands-on test automation experience with DevOps staff.
- Good understanding of development and programming principles
- Strong experience with test automation frameworks and concepts on various platforms (web, mobile, desktop client)
- Exceptional communication and teamwork skills with the ability to articulate ideas clearly and concisely
- Strong interest in finding and exploring new technical solutions to keep the framework at the cutting edge of technology
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills
- Hands-on experience in test automation with DevOps tasks (Github, builds, CI/CD, deployments, Kubernetes, ...)
- Familiarity with essential tools such as Jira, Confluence, Jenkins and Git
- Fluent in English
Výhody a benefity
- Work in a fast-growing international business and industry
- International environment and inspiring colleagues from many different countries (35 nationalities)
- Flexible working hours, agile working model with potential to work from home
- Varied, interesting and challenging work
- Lunch vouchers
- Referral programme
Ďalsie informacie
- Location: Vienna (hybrid)
- Start date: By agreement
- Type of contract: Pernament employment (no B2B contract allowed)
- Salary: from 3400 € gross per month
O spoločnosti
The company offers tax-free shopping solutions.
Prihlásiť sa na pozíciu
Sprevádzať týmto výberovým procesom vás bude Zuzana. Máte otázky? Zavolajte na číslo +421 903 910 010.
Osobné údaje
Týmto udeľujem súhlas so spracúvaním mojich osobných údajov uvedených v žiadosti o prijatie do zamestnania, v profesijnom životopise, osobnom dotazníku, osobných údajov získaných z kontaktného formulára na webstránke spoločnosti a osobných údajov získaných pri pohovore v spoločnosti Grain Slovakia s. r. o. podľa Z. č. 18/2018 Z. z. o ochrane osobných údajov (ďalej len „Z.č. 18/2018 Z. z.“) spoločnosti Grain Slovakia s. r. o. na účely sprostredkovania zamestnania. Súhlas je možné kedykoľvek písomne odvolať, inak súhlas zanikne po uplynutí 3 rokov odo dňa jeho udelenia a údaje budú anonymizované a ďalej využívané výlučne na štatistické účely. Zároveň beriem na vedomie, že práva dotknutej osoby sú upravené v § 59 a nasl. zákona č. 18/2018 Z. z. Týmto prehlasujem, že podmienkam spracovania mojich osobných údajov som plne porozumel a súhlas udeľujem vedome, dobrovoľne a bez výhrad.