C# developer
Pre tím, ktorý vyvíja hardware a software pre moderný smart home systém hľadáme developera pozíciu C# developer.
Job description
Možete sa realizovať v týchto oblastiach:
- vývoj softvéru do riadiacej jednotky (C# .NET service. Postavené na Yocto Linux)
- vývoj klientskej aplikácie (C#, WPF, Android, iOS, macOS)
- vývoj cloudovej aplikácie (MS Azure)
Používané technológie pre backend: SQLite, WebSockets, protobuf
Frontend: .NET, SkiaSharp, PaintCode, WPF, výhľadovo AvaloniaUI
Smarthome ako hobby je výhodou.
Ak máte niečo na GitHube, kľudne sa pochváľte!
Kľúčové slová: arduino, c#, dotnet, modbus, dali, zigbee, knx, dmx, arm, yocto
Pozícia nie je vhodná pre Juniorov. Je to síce c# ale blízko embedded svetu, treba chápať Thready, tasky ale občas aj bitove posuny, občas pracujeme s unsafe alebo Span<T>. Dobré je mať aspoň základy v C++/C.
Prerequisites and skills
C# - Pokročilý
SQL - Základy
C - Základy
Advantages and benefits
- Uvoľnená pracovná atmosféra
- Home office
- Sick days
- Preplatenie PN
- Veľa sa naučíte
- Práca so špičkovými ľudmi na super produkte
Further information
Apply for the position

You will be guided through the selection process by Monika. If you have any questions? Call +421 948 277 182.
Personal data
I hereby give my consent to the processing of my personal data contained in the job application, professional CV, personal questionnaire, personal data obtained from the contact form on the company’s website and personal data obtained during the interview at Grain s. r. o. in accordance with Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as “Act No. 18/2018 Coll.”) by Grain Slovakia s. r. o. for the purpose of employment mediation. Consent may be revoked in writing at any time, otherwise the consent expires 3 years from the date of its granting and the data will be anonymised and further used exclusively for statistical purposes. I also acknowledge that the rights of the data subject are regulated in Section 59 et seq. of Act No. 18/2018 Coll. I declare that I fully understand the conditions of processing my personal data and I give my consent knowingly, voluntarily and without reservation.